Tuesday, 7 June 2016

An afternoon chat

I am back to work tomorrow for 3 days and then I have the weekend off so I'm making the most of this oddly hot weather Cornwall has been experiencing. I've just been around home, walking the dog, revising and I'm currently sitting eating this refreshing fruit with Mum outside. We are having a sort of laptop club. I do enjoy my job and the time I am there usually goes fast and I'm with really nice people but off course I enjoy my time off, I mean who doesn't?! I have already posted a 50 facts about myself post but that was a sort of last minute idea and seen as I have an afternoon free I just thought I'd get another chatty, relaxed post up. I am sort of treating this like my own personal diary and to be honest I forget that other people can read this but I enjoy it so thats the main thing! 

I have had a really productive afternoon so far though because I wanted to sort out some things on my blog and also set up a Bloglovin' account so go follow me on that and also check out the other links to my Pinterest, Twitter and Google+. I also got to read  some other people's blog posts and just caught myself up on new posts from people that I read regularly. It is homemade pizza for tea and I then plan on chilling out this evening and watching some Vlogs and videos. I am planning a post about my favourite Youtubers and then a series of posts to go up at every week about my favourite things such as tv series, books, places and every week have a post dedicate to them. I will alongside that do normal random posts but I want to get a plan and schedule so that I'm wandering quite as aimlessly as I am now! I'll make another post dedicated to explaining it properly when I have myself sorted.


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