This year I decided that as I have some spare time in the evenings since finishing my project that I would make something personal for my family this Christmas. I used to do this a lot when I was younger and particularly for my Mum's birthday I would always draw or paint a card or picture for her. They are so quick and easy to make and its fun being able to choose designs and personalise them depending on who you are giving them to.
I took inspiration from Pinterest and tweaked them to suit the person I was making them for. The first card I made was my Mum's birthday card and I am really pleased with this one. My Mum love flowers so I hope she likes it!
I used card from one of my Pink Pig sketchbooks which is an A5 square book. I then folded and trim it down smaller to a good size for the little designs.
They were all super quick an fun to make and there are so many more great ideas on Pinterest that I can't wait to try when I make more!