So as it turns out I am very slightly obsessed with cleaning and tidying. I can only sit down and relax when I know that everything is done and there is nothing left that I need to do the next day. Before I moved up here I reminder feeling slightly worried that I would dread doing the cleaning and having to keep everything nice but I am glad to say it is the complete opposite.
Having the flat nice and tidy and everything in its place relaxes me and not only that but it looks nice! I couldnt go out or go to sleep unless everything was right and since we have been here I have sort of found little routines that I enjoy doing.
I am the sort of person who loves routine and so to try and cope better with moving out and living on my own so far away from my family, home and comfort zone I have had lots of little things that I do to try and make myself feel more comfortable. So most of the time I am not on my own however on the one day of the week that I am I take this opportunity to deep clean the flat. I clean as I go along each day however this is when I do absolutely everything and the things that I don't do every day.
I have also been doing things like watching certain series on Netflix and sitting on the sofa all cuddled up or doing work on the coffee table and all these little things that I have got used to doing the past month and a bit comfort me and calm me down. It's funny what little things people do and even writing this I feel as if I am not explaining it in a way that anyone expect me will understand, but I hope at least some of it has made sense!!