Monday, 30 May 2016

Time to myself

I have been so busy with exams, deadlines and coursework in the last few months and I have finally finished college. I only have one more exam to go in for in a couple of weeks and then I am done for the summer. I've been juggling my different subjects and trying to get everything done and I've not been able to enjoy being at home or doing things for myself. So since things have slowed down a bit and to try and relax I've been spending my spare time out walking and then in the evenings having a bath and reading my book. (For anyone who hasn't read The Girl on the Train, go and read it!!) The weather has been holding up and we have had quite a few warm sunny days and evenings so I've been off down to the beach at every moment I can. I also haven't been able to do as many blog posts as I've been so busy and I really like looking back and seeing times of my life that I may have forgotten and see photos that I've taken to remind me of those memories. I've got some exciting things this year, as I've said before, and I really want to keep this up and get photos and posts up even if it's just a little paragraph or so. As I only have work a couple of days a week in the day it leaves me my days off and evenings free so hopefully I will be able to get out and enjoy my time off! 

Boat Dog

I'm writing this with a poorly pup lying on my lap. After having a BBQ for tea he got sick unfortunately and he has been carrying his favourite monkey around since then looking sorry for himself. Tomorrow, the weather is going to be nice again and so a boat day has been planned so hopefully by then he will be feeling a little better! My Mum and Dad took him out the other day on the boat and he loved standing at the front with his paws up on the front bench and his big ears flopping around. I'm looking forward to taking him out a lot this year and enjoying my days off work with no college work or other things to be doing!

Radio 1 Big Weekend 2016

Today is the day after the Radio 1 Big Weekend and I had such a great time! It was an amazing venue at Powderham Castle and the weather was actually on our side for once. In fact, there was a lot of red faces and tender shoulders around and I was definitely one of them. The line up looked so good for both days but we were lucky enough to get 4 tickets for Sunday 29th. We mostly stayed at the main stage so we got to see all of the main acts and we were able to get close to the stage when they were playing and have a sit down on the grass in-between! I didn't expect to see so much rubbish there and by the end of the day we literally couldn't stand anywhere without a plastic bottle under our feet. The people I went with and I also decided that it was better to be slightly further away from the stage because you just got swamped by people so we could enjoy it more and actually see more from the middle. The food and drink there was so well organised and we were able to go to and from to get things when we wanted and they did the best sugared doughnuts!! I was so excited to actually see the people performing like the 1975, OneRepublic and Kygo in particular and they were all good however my favourite without a doubt was Coldplay. They just sounded amazing and the atmosphere was crazy, people were singing, dancing and some even crying! I would love to do it all again and it was definitely an experience I'm grateful to of had!

Sunday 29th Line Up:
Catfish and the Battlement
Years & Years
Iggy Azalea
The 1975
Ellie Goulding 
The Weeknd